ForTUNE Music – Payment

  1. Log in into your Fortune Music account, and go to My Page. Click on the red box option to see your winningsImage
  2. Once you click the box, the total amount you need to pay will be displayedImage
  3. You will then be taken to payment details page. To pay using credit card / debit card (VISA or Mastercard) you need to select this option
  4. Fill out your card detailsImage
  5. The next section would be filling in your shipment address. You can use the registered address you put in when registering your account. If you wish to use a different address, you can follow this guide to fill in the detailsImage
  6. After confirming your payment details and shipment address, press this button to proceedImage
  7. You will be taken to a page for a final review of you order. Please confirm that everything is correct before proceeding by clicking this buttonImage
  8. Your payment is complete. Be sure to take note of the order numberImage


  1. As said in application tutorial, you have to pay for all your winnings
  2. Continuously not paying your winning may result in a ban

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