I would like to express my deepest condolences to everyone affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquakes
I sincerely pray for the safety of all those affected and so that everyone can return to a peaceful life as soon as possible
It’s been a long time since I last posted a blog
I’ll be in your care in 2024 as well
Let’s laugh a lot together
We are really close to each other
The waiting room is overflowing with laughter
7th Single Real Meet & Greet
The one held in Kyoto is done
I met many smiling faces,
It was really fun
I’ll send more flower pictures in mobame
They’re so cute, so I want everyone to see it
The next one will be held in Makuhari!
I like being called Miu-san,
Or Murayama-san
Translator: megidola0n
Original Blog Link: https://sakurazaka46.com/s/s46/diary/detail/54304?ima=0000&cd=blog