This is Inoue Rina from Sakurazaka46.
Took a picture together with the kitty cat.
In my opinion, this hair-style is pretty much new!
Kind of a half-twintail??

This is how it looks like~
I’m not sure if it’s clear enough for you to see…?
I really like this hair-style ♪
Have you watched the 「”Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” GYAO! Special Episode! Sakurazaka46 Members Masterpiece Selection SP」??
I laughed a lot from remembering things that happened during the recording sessions~!
What’s your favorite episode~?
Tell me some other time.
It’s exclusively streamed on GYAO! and won’t be airing over the terrestrial broadcasting. Please have a watch!

Playing with Stamps together with Mii-chan during break time~!
Got the “Inokirin” vibe with this one

This one if for the “Yumineko” vibe (Seki Yumiko’s original character)
I don’t think Yumineko is okay with this…!
Well then, that’s about it for today.
Thank you for reading up until the end.
Inoue Rina