I can’t believe you remembered such a trivial thing! (2022.03.09)


I can’t believe you remembered such a trivial thing!


Let me tell you a heart fluttering story.










There is a café au lait that I like so much that I can say when I drink it,
it increases my quality of life.











In the middle of the breakfast catering,
I suddenly found the café au lait there.



At that point, my heart was mildly racing.



I pick it up and go “I like this!”








While watching this sequence of events,
the staff of blt graph said


It’s because we talked about how much you liked this café au lait during our last shoot!








Now that you mention it,
we must have had small talk about it!




I can’t believe they remembered such a trivial thing!






The warmth and kindness of the staff made my heart flutter✨




I, too,
want to be the kind of person who can remember what people like.





Drinking with that thought in mind, it was most delicious.
















I appeared in vol. 76 of blt graph, which is on sale right now.



Every time we talk, I get my own mind in order.
I would be glad if you read the interview!



If you order from HMV &BOOKS online,
a limited bonus postcard is included 〜✴︎



Please check it out✨













I appeared on the
Himitsu no Kenmin Show!


The idea of rice as a companion to rice has been overturned!

We were able to take the jarred ones home with us.
I enjoyed everything. 🍚🍞



I wanted to do something related to Kagoshima,
so I was so happy to be able to represent Kagoshima this time!


Thank you very much for watching*





I appeared on
TV Tokyo Music Festival!



For our first time as the live broadcast top batter, we performed “Nagaredama”🥀



Thank you all for watching!








the heart racing Sokusaku’s Valentine Confession Fantasies〜〜












Ozono Rei

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