My beloved 3rd gens (2024.02.26)



It’s Murai Yu.




“Nando LOVE SONG no Kashi wo Yomikaeshita Darou”








This time

I parted my bangs and styled them into a twin tail for the first time 👧🏻



The atmosphere seems to be the complete opposite of

“Ikutsu no Koro ni Modoritai no ka?”

















Desks and chairs were used to passionately express various emotions related to love


I am sure there must be something that you can sympathize with




It’s lovely how the light gradually shifts and changes colors over time




It’s an MV filled with overflowing energy

I’d be happy if you could give it lots of look.



I wrote a love song

It was difficult…

I was the last to finish writing




My beloved 3rd gens





It’s from RikoCamera

We laughed a lot together, didn’t we?




Smile smile





The dog plushie!

(At first, I thought it was a tanuki…)


It was so adorable I grew attached to it~

Its eyebrows are unbearably cute

I was soothed by it during the filming break time


Speaking of which, it’s name is Shikakuni?

I learned after reading everyone’s blog





I secretly thought

“I want to take pictures with everyone!”…



and I was able to!!!

It makes me happy



I made a lot of memories













recently I wanted to have a camera


I wanted to get it before the tour, but I don’t think I’ll make it in time…


I’ll tell you when I got it










Well then,

thank you very much for reading this far.



I’ll write again soon!

Bye bye

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