Refresh (2022.04.08)



I’m Moriya Rena🍒







To everyone entering a new stage in life.


Maybe being in a new environment that you’re not used to has you feeling worn out?



On such a day, take a soak in a healing bath
Please take your time to refresh both your body and mind 🛁





The other day, on Wednesday’s episode of Love It!
I got to appear on VTR with Hono-chan🐰✨




This time, we were invited to go on a location shoot
“Recommendations for Spring! Newest Toys You Can Enjoy Playing With Outside Ranking”





We did a lot of physical activities and it was such a fun location shoot!!





I personally found the bumper ball and the crazy cart especially fun and wanted to play with them forever〜








I like this back view ❤️







Love It🐰💗


I’m happy to be called for a location shoot once again!
It was fun.
Thank you very much.









I received the honor of being featured on the front cover for the May issue of BOMB, which is releasing today✨


Rina-san and Yumi-chan are also featured inside!!


I’d be really happy if you checked it out.



I’m posting another off-shot☺︎












And, and!!



At 23:00 tonight〜
On “SCHOOL OF LOCK! Board Of Education”
The three of us, Yumi-chan, Hikaru-chan and myself have been invited to appear ♪



Please be sure to tune in if you have time〜









◎At 25:44 tonight〜
Sakurazaka46 has been invited to appear on Buzz Rhythm 02 ♪



Please be sure to watch us〜☂️





◎Tomorrow, April 9th (Saturday)
We’ve been invited to appear on “Venue101” on NHK ♪



Please be sure to watch us〜✨




I ended up posting a lot of notifications…



See ya〜






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