Untitled (2022.09.15)

The 1st Album Special Talk Show event where we met face-to-face with fans was held a few days ago🫶

Thank you for coming, everybody!

This is the first event since the last handshake event 3 years ago that we met not online, but in person.

Some of you I met again for the first time in 3 years, some for the first time ever. The time we could spend together was truly fun and made me so happy.

Whatever way it can be done, I hope we get to have more events where we can meet face-to-face and share our thoughts with each other… that’s how I feel😢

Let’s meet again in the not too distant future💭♡

And so, that day was also Ozeki’s last day of activities in Sakurazaka46.

I’ve expressed to her how grateful I am for everything so many times leading up to this day, so I have no regrets😊

Ozeki is like a sister that’s close to me in age. We’d talk a lot in hard times, laugh so hard over silly stuff to the point that our stomachs would hurt, sleep silently when we’re tired, eat when we wanted to…

I loved the feeling of relief that came whenever Oze was around.

Everyone was always smiling around Ozeki, so I’m sure she will continue to be surrounded by lots of people that love her and live a life full of smiles.

Thank you so much!!

Lastly, an announcement🗣

Together with Akiho-chan, I will be appearing in the October edition of EX Taishu, which was released on the 14th🍁

We got to talk about 「W-KEYAKIFES 2022」

I still haven’t gotten to talk much about this event yet, so I’d love for lots of people to read it!

Thank you for your support📖

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