Winter (2022.11.30)




Hello everyone

I’m Sakurazaka46’s 2nd generation member, Morita Hikaru 🌱







On December 7 (Wed) the Blu-ray & DVD of 
[Sakurazaka46 RISA WATANABE GRADUATION CONCERT] will be released!

Before I go any further,
I’d like to introduce a lot of things in today’s SHOWROOM〜

I’ll be live with Habu-chan at 21:00,
Please watch if you have time👀






I am featured in the December issue of [ar] That will be on sale on November 11 (Fri)!


In vol 22. of the serialization [Hikaru no me]🌱

The theme is “Particulars”〜




We talked about various particulars 
that we had not talked about much before.

I introduce a lot of trivial things 
from daily life to a wide range of live shows, etc. 
Please read it if you have time^ ^

Do you have anything
you are particular about?


Cute knit🍏

By the way, the first picture is from the aquarium 
in the recent report〜











A little while ago…


We appeared in
Best Hits Kayousai
and TV Tokyo Ongakusai 2022!

Thank you very much🌸






We performed Samidare yo 
in Best Hits Kayousai!


It’s been a while since we wore this costume〜


We’ve gathered✌🏻



I was happy to meet Kyoko-san🌙

It looked like she had just had her hair cut, 
and I was surprised that it was almost the same length!

I’d love to talk to you again sometime〜








We performed “Masatsu Keisuu”
in the TV Tokyo Ongakusai 2022!

Matsuda with a short bob is cute🐾
It looks good on you




Thank you to everyone who watched!








・On December 3 (Sat) at 19:00〜
Best Artists 2022


・On December 14 (Wed) 18:30〜
2022 FNS Kayousai (Night 2)



We will also appear on both shows!
I’m really glad🌸

By all means, please watch it〜!










I’d like to change the topic…



I appeared on [All Night Nippon GOLD 
“Pokemon Scarlet/Violet SP”] 
on November 17!



I was very excited on the eve
Of the launch of “Pokemon SV”

I was happy to be able to talk about Pokemon 
While being surrounded by wonderful people!

Thank you very much!



A person melting because of Fuecoco. LOL






Sprigatito, Quaxly, and Pikachu
Were all too cute!

I was healed throughout the live broadcast^ ^


Surprisingly, I received a wonderful gift!

I’m happy! I’ll treasure this🌿🔥💧




I’ve been playing since Scarlet!
I’m having so much fun, I play everyday〜

How far have you all progressed?

Please enjoy your treasure-hunting trip!











Well, that’s all for today.

Thank you for reading until the end!





The end🌱







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