Good evening🌛
The one in charge for today’s blog
is Ishimori Rika
It seems like it’s been 5 months since the 3rd gen blog relay started〜
Time flies, doesn’t it?
I wonder how many people still read the 3rd gen blog relay…?
And if you are still reading my blog, does that mean you’re interested in me…?
I’m so happy〜〜
Thank you for reading today as well🧸
Thank you for your hard work in the past 10 days
Work, school, club activities, part-time jobs, etc., etc.
You all did your best! You’re amazing〜
Please praise yourself a lot
( ◜ᴗ◝)\(◜ᴗ◝ )
Here’s a picture I took yesterday〜
I’m writing this because I suddenly wanted to write a blog!
August 5 25:46
Today was meet and greet day〜
It’s been a week since the last one.
I’ve been basking in the afterglow of every meet and greet day, but
I wonder if it’s the same for all of you…
When I remember what we talked about and such,
A smile naturally comes to my face
When we are talking,
I often say things like,
“I love you too〜”
“I get more energy from you than you get from me〜”
But it’s true.!!!
Suddenly, I thought that I should put this feeling in writing right now!
Now I’m blogging about it, every time, late at night
I pretty much have a lot of thoughts
and am the type of person to solve problems by myself in my head, but there are times when they pile up before I know it.
I think I know how to process it and so on,
I’m trying not to let my weakness drag me down
But in the end, you could say I’m a coward who can’t show people she’s weak…
In those times
Having meet and greets where I can talk to everyone
Just seeing your smiling faces
makes me happy!
I get looots of power
When I was a fan
I thought my power was so small and unreachable
Now that I can be a member of the group like this,
The power of meet and greet
The power of your every word
The power of your letters
The power of your smiles
I realized how great it was, how much it was reaching me
That’s why
No matter what, I want to say
You all have great powerー!
As an idol,
We can’t do meet and greets unless we get applications
I can’t reply to each and every one of your letters
It’s frustrating that I can’t express my feelings to each and every one of you, but
Your feelings have been well received ☺︎
I love you
Now the August 6th meet and greet is over〜
It’s not too late
It’s 23:58
In about 30 minutes, Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka? will start〜I have to watch I have to watch
6th Single “Start over!”
Thank you very much for the individual meet and greets.!
I believe we’ll be able talk again
I’ll look forward to it everyday
To those who I can meet at the real meet and greet,
and to those who can meet at the national meet and greet,
Thank you very much ☺︎
I’m so glad to finally meet you〜〜〜
I wore a yukata at the August 6th meet and greet〜
There are some people who said,
“I can’t go to the real meet and greet〜”
“I only have one ticket for the real meet and greet〜”
So finally, I thought it would be nice if everyone who got individual meet and greet tickets could see it,
I wore this
I invited Nagi-chan to wear one with me and she gladly didー!
Thank you Nagi-chan 🧸
I am also paired with Nagi-chan at the real meet and greet,!
Thank you, Nagi-chan’s fans
I’m looking forward to it ☺︎
Sakurazaka46’s 3rd generation performed at IDOL RUNWAY COLLECTION Supported by TGC’s TGC Special LIVE Performance Stage.!
It was a great honor to give this opportunity to the 3rd gen
To those who came to the venue,
and those who watched TikTok LIVE,
Thank you very much
It was our first time to perform in such an event like this
I was veeery nervous…
Shii-chan patted me on the back right before we went out on stage ☺︎
I was able to find all the Buddies in the audience and perform to the best of my ability!
I feel like I’ve grown up a little bit again
I will continue to work hard!
Finally, time to answer questions〜
Q Was there a hairstyle you used to wear a lot when you were a student?
When I was in high school, I almost always had a half-up〜!
After I joined Sakurazaka, I basically wear a half-up for lessons too!
It’s the hairstyle I feel most relaxed with〜
Q Do you have a favorite character? (Sanrio too)
I like Miffy ( ・ x ・ )
And I also like Winnie the Pooh
I often get asked about my favorite Sanrio character, but recently I found one I like,!!
I think My Sweet Piano is cute〜
Q What do you definitely want to eat in summer?
Chilled Chinese noodles!!!
By the way, I already ate some♩
I think I’ll end today like this
Also, as for the title of today’s blog
I was told,
“If there’s something like an easy-to-use hashtag for Rika-chan, I’d like you to make one”
So I thought of one〜
#ねーねーりかちゃん (Hey, hey, Rika-chan)
Is it too plain??
If you have any good ideas, please let me know,,
For now,
Even if it’s not big news, or if it’s just something you want me to know etc., etc.
Please tell me anything you want to ☺︎
I’ll be waiting for you〜〜
Tomorrow is Riko-chan’s turn🌝
That was
Well, see you〜
Translator: keishizaka
Original Blog Link: