ForTUNE Music – New Account Registration

※ Credits to @_fffck for letting us use their tutorial
※ You need to install forTUNE meets for Meet and Greet (Find an apk somewhere or use Japanese Google/Apple accounts to install it from respective playstores)
※ No VPN needeed for actual Meet and Greet session

※ For new account registrations

1. Click on the second button for login/new registrations   Image
2. Click on the first button to agree to terms and proceed  Image
3. Fill in your name, 1st part is Your Full Name in Romaji and the 2nd part is Your Full Name in Katakana  Image
4. Fill in your email address and password twice (2nd one is for confirmation)
※ Do note your email address will also be used as your Login ID  

5. Fill in your Japanese address to receive your CDs
※ You can uses proxy services for an address (Tenso/ Nekoya / etc.)  
6. Fill in the rest of the details as stated below.  
7. Mail magazine is a subscription service so choose no if you don’t wish to receive it.  

※ Tickets will be tied to your accounts, no need to receive CDs before Online Meet and Greet Dates

6 thoughts on “ForTUNE Music – New Account Registration”

  1. Hello, how will they conduct identity checks? I accidentally put in a name that was generated that is my registered name in my ID card and I wasn’t aware there is identity checks. As I managed to won one slot, will I not be allowed to proceed with the call?

    1. They will check your passport, so make sure that your registered name in fortunemusic is the same as your ID. But you are free to put nickname during the actual miiguri event

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