Boku no Dilemma (Lyrics & Translation)
僕のジレンマ | My DIlemma
Last updated: July 30, 2022 at 17:17 JST
Please do not repost or use our translation without credit.
Lyricist: Akimoto Yasushi
Composer/Arranger: Nakamura Daisuke, TomoLow
Translation: Sakuzaka Central
Performing members:
Other lyrics in the same single:
世界をもう一周廻り ここに戻って来るまで
夢を追う代償は 残酷に過ぎてく時間だ
何を捨てて 何を得るつもりか 答えが見えない
僕が僕でいるために 僕じゃなくなる
わかっているのに 足が動かないんだ
でも君を 一人だけ
残して行けない 心が引き裂かれるくらい
人生で大切なのは 選択することだ
すべてを手に入れようなんて 虫がよすぎるってこと
幼い頃から見てた夢 叶うと信じて
一番近くの誰かが かけがえない存在と気づく
そんな僕の 身勝手なサヨナラでさえ 仕方ないねと
君にそっと微笑まれて 白旗揚げた
もう 僕は どこへも行かない
優柔不断と 言われても構わない
選べと言うならば ここに残って後悔しよう
この世には何一つ 割り切れるものなんてない
生きるということは ジタバタともがくこと
誰も迷うことなく 真っ直ぐは歩けない
わかっているのに 足が動かないんだ
でも君を 一人だけ
残して行けない 心が引き裂かれるくらい
hoho wo kasumete fukinukeru ondo no aru kaze ga
sekai wo mou isshuu mawari koko ni modotte kuru made
boku no kesshin wa yurugazu ni irareru no darou ka
yume wo ou daishou wa zankoku ni sugite ku jikan da
nani wo sutete nani wo eru tsumori ka kotae ga mienai
boku ga boku de iru tame ni boku janaku naru
ima sugu ni ikanakya ikenai
wakatte iru no ni ashi ga ugokanain da
demo kimi wo hitori dake
nokoshite ikenai kokoro ga hikisakareru kurai
jinsei de taisetsu na no wa sentaku suru koto da
subete wo te ni ireyou nante mushi ga yo sugirutte koto
osanai koro kara miteta yume kanau to shinjite
ichiban chikaku no dareka ga kakegaenai sonzai to kizuku
“suki nanda”
sonna boku no migatte na sayonara de sae shikatanai ne to
kimi ni sotto hohoemarete shirohata ageta
muri da yo
mou boku wa doko e mo yukanai
yuujuufudan to iwarete mo kamawanai
muri da yo
dochira ka wo hitotsu dake
erabe to iu naraba koko ni nokotte koukai shiyou
konoyo ni wa nani hitotsu warikireru mono nante nai
ikiru to iu koto wa jitabata to mogaku koto
dare mo mayou koto naku massugu wa arukenai
wakaru darou
ikutsumo no yorimichi shinagara (ikutsumo no ashiato wo tsukete)
itsu no hi ni ka jibun no michi wo mitsukeru
ima sugu ni ikanakya ikenai
wakatte iru no ni ashi ga ugokanain da
demo kimi wo hitori dake
nokoshite ikenai kokoro ga hikisakareru kurai
docchi e susumeba ii ka wakaranai
A lukewarm wind caresses my cheeks
and makes another trip around the world before it comes back here
Will my decision stay unwavering till then?
The cost of chasing the dream is the cruel passage of time
What to shed and what to gain, I can’t see the answer
In order to be myself, I’m losing part of who I am
I have to go right now
I know, but my feet won’t move
But I can’t leave you behind alone
It feels like my heart will be torn apart
The important thing about life is to make a choice
Trying to get everything is wishful thinking
Believing that I can make my childhood dream come true
I realize that someone closest to me is irreplaceable
“I love you”
Even my selfish goodbye
you quietly smiled it off and I surrendered
I can’t help it
I won’t go anywhere anymore
I don’t mind being called weak-minded
I can’t help it
If I had to choose one over the other
I’d rather stay here and regret
There’s nothing cut-and-dry in this world
to live is to flounder and struggle
No one can walk straight without any hesitation
I know you understand
Making many detours (and making many footprints)
Someday I will find my own way
I have to go right now
I know, but my feet won’t move
But I can’t leave you behind alone
It feels like my heart will be torn apart
I don’t know which way I should go
hoho wo kasumete fukinukeru ondo no aru kaze ga
A lukewarm wind caresses my cheeks
世界をもう一周廻り ここに戻って来るまで
sekai wo mou isshuu mawari koko ni modotte kuru made
and makes another trip around the world before it comes back here
boku no kesshin wa yurugazu ni irareru no darou ka
Will my decision stay unwavering till then?
夢を追う代償は 残酷に過ぎてく時間だ
yume wo ou daishou wa zankoku ni sugite ku jikan da
The cost of chasing the dream is the cruel passage of time
何を捨てて 何を得るつもりか 答えが見えない
nani wo sutete nani wo eru tsumori ka kotae ga mienai
What to shed and what to gain, I can’t see the answer
僕が僕でいるために 僕じゃなくなる
boku ga boku de iru tame ni boku janaku naru
In order to be myself, I’m losing part of who I am
ima sugu ni ikanakya ikenai
I have to go right now
わかっているのに 足が動かないんだ
wakatte iru no ni ashi ga ugokanain da
I know, but my feet won’t move
でも君を 一人だけ
demo kimi wo hitori dake
But I can’t leave you behind alone
残して行けない 心が引き裂かれるくらい
nokoshite ikenai kokoro ga hikisakareru kurai
It feels like my heart will be torn apart
人生で大切なのは 選択することだ
jinsei de taisetsu na no wa sentaku suru koto da
The important thing about life is to make a choice
すべてを手に入れようなんて 虫がよすぎるってこと
subete wo te ni ireyou nante mushi ga yo sugirutte koto
Trying to get everything is wishful thinking
幼い頃から見てた夢 叶うと信じて
osanai koro kara miteta yume kanau to shinjite
Believing that I can make my childhood dream come true
一番近くの誰かが かけがえない存在と気づく
ichiban chikaku no dareka ga kakegaenai sonzai to kizuku
I realize that someone closest to me is irreplaceable
“suki nanda”
“I love you”
そんな僕の 身勝手なサヨナラでさえ 仕方ないねと
sonna boku no migatte na sayonara de sae shikatanai ne to
Even my selfish goodbye
君にそっと微笑まれて 白旗揚げた
kimi ni sotto hohoemarete shirohata ageta
you quietly smiled it off and I surrendered
muri da yo
I can’t help it
もう 僕は どこへも行かない
mou boku wa doko e mo yukanai
I won’t go anywhere anymore
優柔不断と 言われても構わない
yuujuufudan to iwarete mo kamawanai
I don’t mind being called weak-minded
muri da yo
I can’t help it
dochira ka wo hitotsu dake
If I had to choose one over the other
選べと言うならば ここに残って後悔しよう
erabe to iu naraba koko ni nokotte koukai shiyou
I’d rather stay here and regret
この世には何一つ 割り切れるものなんてない
konoyo ni wa nani hitotsu warikireru mono nante nai
There’s nothing cut-and-dry in this world
生きるということは ジタバタともがくこと
ikiru to iu koto wa jitabata to mogaku koto
to live is to flounder and struggle
誰も迷うことなく 真っ直ぐは歩けない
dare mo mayou koto naku massugu wa arukenai
No one can walk straight without any hesitation
wakaru darou
I know you understand
ikutsumo no yorimichi shinagara (ikutsumo no ashiato wo tsukete)
Making many detours (and making many footprints)
itsu no hi ni ka jibun no michi wo mitsukeru
Someday I will find my own way
ima sugu ni ikanakya ikenai
I have to go right now
わかっているのに 足が動かないんだ
wakatte iru no ni ashi ga ugokanain da
I know, but my feet won’t move
でも君を 一人だけ
demo kimi wo hitori dake
But I can’t leave you behind alone
残して行けない 心が引き裂かれるくらい
nokoshite ikenai kokoro ga hikisakareru kurai
It feels like my heart will be torn apart
docchi e susumeba ii ka wakaranai
I don’t know which way I should go